Coaching Flag Football

on Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Your main goal in coaching flag football, even before winning, should be for the kids to have a safe and fun environment to play in. Let your team know that in order for them to be successful, they must work together and they must have a good attitude. Flag football is designed so that everybody is able to play so you must make sure that they work in harmony.

Coaching flag football means that you're going to set an example of good sportsmanship! Do not be a coach that marches to the middle of the field and screams at the referee. If you truly feel that an unfair call was made, calmly approach the ref to find out his reasoning. You can discuss it with him but don't take it too far, it's only one call.

Soccer Drills

Let the kids play! During practices it's essential to teach them different plays but don't get too complex; they're not there to learn in a classroom setting they are there to play flag football. The sport is mostly for younger kids and they're not going to be successful if they cannot understand what to do. Start with some simple plays and then build off of the simple plays into more complex plays. You will be pleasantly surprised about how easily they will be able to catch on to a difficult play if they are comfortable with the basics.

Coaching Flag Football

Always keep in mind that teams play how they practice! If they're scared of the ball during practice then they're going to be scared of the ball during the game. Your practices should consist largely of practice games. This conditioning includes not only flag football skills but also good attitudes. If a player shows misconduct to other players or to any of the coaches during practice, they must be disciplined. Otherwise they'll continue with their foul behavior and set a bad example for other players. If they're properly disciplined (without being too harsh) then they will see that playing time will be lost if they display that kind of attitude.

Also, do not cancel practices in strenuous conditions like snow or rain. If there is a chance of bad weather during the game then you want your team to be prepared. If it happens to be nice sunny weather on game-day, they will play with the effort that they used in practice under bad conditions. However, you don't want them to have the practice of playing under perfect conditions and then have game-day be a rain shower, they'll not be prepared. Coaching flag football gives you seniority to make decisions. It's good coaching to prepare your team for the worst but make sure that you never compromise their safety.

Teach your team to win the games and teach them to have a winning attitude. You must always remember to practice what you preach while you are coaching flag football.

Coaching Flag Football


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